Changes at Miracle Acre

When you own that piece of land that you return to occasionally. You may wish to construct an off grid dwelling. This is the place to discuss different construction methods, materials, and types. Think straw bale, earth ship, yurt, etc..

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Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

That's my official farm name folks.

We are going to be doing some straw bale gardening, coddling my horse and his heart murmur along to help out with fertilizer manufacturing and when we can get another shed and fence built I'm going to get 2 goats, then we will turn the old donkey stall into a veal calf pen and have meat and milk on site and we have to burn and re-build the chicken coop due to a dreadful infestation of rats. Then I'll get more chickens.

So next year is going to be a busy year. I will also raise chevon (neutered male goat) if I can get it, very like lamb only leaner.

The house is slowly coming apart, next up is the center of the front room ceiling and from the front door eastward to the kitchen wall, where I have to take down my food cupboards.

Wiring first though and I'm hoping to have that done by late Spring. New fuse box and lots more plug ins and maybe even a generator if I can save enough $--and I want a water tower too for gravity fed water if the power and generator are out, and if I put a wood burning cookstove in the kitchen I can have a water jacket.

Also, having the wood heater in the basement only keeps the bedroom TOO warm, so I'd rather have a cookstove in the room we use most and sleep on the couch. (and cook an overnight meal in the oven for breakfast! :D

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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Raining like crazy today and 11 miles North of me it SNOWED for an hour :shock:

It is cold and tonight Rick and I will be doing more clearing out in here.

Right now Rick is working for Jennifer so we keep eating while all this renovating is going on.

Tomorrow we have to plug a gap in the outside wall next to the chimney, the draft from that comes into the bedroom and the basement.

I'm going to do a little windowsill gardening this winter so we have some greens to eat and a few herbs to use.

We have a lot of stuff to go to the thrift store yet and will be clearing out some of that after supper.

Somehow I managed to get a cold in my right eye and then my left so I've been going around squinting from light sensitivity and wiping runny eyes since Saturday. It must be going around because my friend Bob had it yesterday.

But the work has got to get done.

1 acre can feed us for a year, if everybody cooperates.

I do have two friends who might be able to help with the garden and I've got to get some help for building the sheds I want.

We are going to demolish the chicken coop and save the wire and windows, then burn the remains and re-build. Hopefully some of the noise from demolishing will drive out some rats and I know the fire will.

We are going to build a guest house for visits from the family when Rick finishes digging out some more stumps.

I know it's expensive to travel these days, a bus ticket and 3 days in the Travelodge at Courtenay cost me over $400, but I had to be there for family and other research.

If any of you are travelling this way, we'd love to have your company and your help and input.

Take Care
Lois :)
Last edited by yugogypsy on Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

The changes are slowly happening.

The house is getting much cleaner and the yard too, just the area right around the house and greenhouse to do now.

I got an old mailbox to paint and put up for the free papers that usually get thrown in our driveway (Tired of WET papers :evil: )

My neighbour has a pressure washer so the sidewalk will lose it's coating of moss and Pit Stop will get a bath! :!:

My Dodge Caravan is leaking like a sieve around the sunroof, even with two layers of 6 mil plastic and 2 pieces of cardboard over it.

I'll have to put a heater in it. tomorrow.

I won't see the Chevy van for a while, it needs an ignition switch before it can be moved here and I've got to make a parking spot for it.

We're going to have a bonfire when it gets warmer, we accumulated a lot of stuff to burn with all this house cleaning too.

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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Sad news all, I have to put my horse down :(
His health declined a lot over the winter and with the heart condition he won't be able to stand the summer heat.

But he's 31, so he's had a good long life and we are spoiling him with good food, meals 4 times a day so his stomach doesn't get too full and cause pressure in his chest.

Rick is digging the grave because we can't afford to hire a backhoe.

After this I am going to help Rick repair the barn and fences and we'll rent it out, that way we still have a manure supply, but not the attachment of having an animal of my own

Lois :cry:
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by rlaggren »

Your horse definitely had a good long run and lucky have somebody to care a bit and take responsibility. Back to the earth and keep on being part of the big circle.

Take care around that hole, though.

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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Will do, because its going to be 10X10X10 ft , I don't want to fall in there and Rick will need the ladder to get out when he's done. :D

Take Care
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Rick is busy digging that hole. Because these lots like I live on were bulldozed into being, he's down 2 1/2 feet and hit hardpan already. So he's using the pick and working a bit harder.

I've got to do some cleaning out upstairs and down tonight and tomorrow because the thrift store picks up on Tuesday.

We're getting a helper from Help Exchange around March 12th for 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll get more done with an extra pair of hands around.

My best garden helper is in the Kootenays visiting his brother for a month. I hope he can lend a hand when he gets back.

I'm knitting tube socks and trying to get a bit more written on my latest bit of fiction. No housetrucks in this one, just 2 converted buses.

Lois :)
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Well Rick put up a new piece of wall and is taking apart an old piece of wall to make a doorway in our "Make a New Room" segment of our renovation. This episode has been made difficult by a warped door and the need for an accordion door of an oddball length. :roll:

Hopefully by months end we will have finished this segment and moved on to plumbing in the shower!

Ah yes, we're getting more power so once again we will have the luxury of hot water that isn't heated on the stove. Someone made the mistake of having the well pump and the hot water heater on the same circuit. My electrician said I was lucky the house never burnt down in 43 years!

I don't know if you've heard of Canada's new "Smart Meters" that they don't need a meter reader for, but I'm stuck with one. No big deal.

So if all of you down there see something new and bright up here its just me trying out all the extra lighting I can have with the proper amperage of power to the house
Lois :D
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

The garden is being planted a little at a time, I got my van back on the road so we can get more materials and because I had cabin fever.

Nice to be able to get out once in a while.

My horse is doing better than expected and loves all the fresh grass around the house so he's keeping his weight up and is happy for now, plus the weather isn't too hot yet.

We changed some doors around because the bathroom door warped and split (hollow core door) and now we have to put in 2 more doors because we made that new door into the bedroom.

Lots of rhubarb and I've just had to remind Rick to pick some for dessert.

I got some pepper and eggplant plants today and they're in the greenhouse.

Life is going on well

Take Care
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by rlaggren »

Spring is the OK time for sure. Glad to hear you're mobile again. Don't know how it is around you, but it's bicycle time around Chicago. Couldn't function w/out 4 wheels, but a bike is way healthier and cheaper for small local stuff and just cruising.


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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

I need to have my bike fixed, it needs everything from a brake cable to a back tire, but I won't complain too loudly as it was a freebie.

Do you have bike helmet laws down there? We have them here so until I get a helmet I won't be riding.

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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by rlaggren »

In Illinois you can ride anything wearing anything.... I know the imagination boggles, but it's true. <g>
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Rufus, have you noticed that you are the only person on here who is talking to me?

Lois :(
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by Stealth Camper »

Sorry. I have just been listening and enjoying the conversation. Just haven't had much to say. Will try to contribute more.

Sorry about the horse! Was he an official pet? Around my place we can't keep animals as "livestock" - they all get names, so makes it harder...
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Re: Changes at Miracle Acre

Post by yugogypsy »

Horse is still alive & kicking thanks to cool weather, when it gets hot, with his heart he will be put down, too hard for him to breathe in the heat.

Thanks for the comment Stealth, Hope all is well with you

Bash On Regardless!
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