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Sharkey's spreading fame

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:21 am
by motthediesel
Going through some messages from a mailing list that I belong to (DTLC - Diesel Toyota LandCruiser), and what should pop up? Someone posting a link to the Sharkey site regarding LP injection in diesels 8)
Man, your fame is spreading faster than a hot waste veggie oil spill on a garage floor! (And believe me, that's FAST!)
Soon time for a public stock offering?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:08 pm
by Sharkey
Yeah, I know.

TDI Club, Citroen users forum, Mercedes Benz boards, 4x4 clubs, Robert Bentley forums, some in foreign languages that I can't even begin to figure out, I have links coming in from all over.

Two weeks ago I was hanging out with Ian from SeQuential Biofuels as he was sitting in the Biodiesel retail truck selling fuel at the local fuel distributor's site. A customer rolled in driving a diesel Vanagon and while he was filling up, we got to talking about VW diesels, and I mentioned a single word, "Pusher" at which point this guy got all excited and asked me if I was "The" Mr. Sharkey. Seems like he had been cruising the site for several years, since back when he lived in New Jersey, and after moving to Eugene, wondered if we'd ever meet. I reminded him that I'm just this guy, and that the internet is making the world much smaller and such.

Ian was blown away, because this is the fourth or fifth time he's seen something like this happen. The first time was at the Willamette Valley Folk Festival, where I wasn't able to display the EV and Pusher. A guy wandered into the Eugene BioSource booth and asked Ian if he had any idea where to find "Mr. Sharkey". Ian pointed to me, sitting in a chair and told him "that's him right there". The guy had driven over 100 miles on the off-chance that he might be able to find me at a festival that he didn't know I was attending...


Oh well, my fame seems to be lasting more than the requisite 15 minutes. You should see some of the links I find while cruising my access logs. And don't even think about Googling for "Von Dutch" unless you want links to my page to come up (second page of returns).