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Hi Im new and not local

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:07 pm
by gypsy love
Dont know if any other gypsies out there can help me... in my part of the world nomads are not well recieved... I am a spiritual nomad and live in one of the few house trucks (well actually a kombi) in the country... Im seeking if anyone knows anything on the human rights of nomads....Im told that in other countries other than OZ we can be found all over the place... here local governments are making bi-laws to prohibit sleeping in a vehicle between the hours of 11pm and 7 am I of course fight with many over this and argue that I am an Aboriginal Australian and before white people invaded this county to take up living in segmented blocks of land we lived in nomadic communities. I have very little net use but keep a myspace and a facebook account if anyone would like to catch up with me... in my folders I have pics of my home...