Intentional Colapse - In the works a LONG time

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Intentional Colapse - In the works a LONG time

Post by ezrablu »

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Post by dburt »

His speech could have come right from this week's headlines! I wish I was wrong, but I suspect the USA is headed for a crash which it will not be able recover from or ever return to what it once was. Thomas Jefferson said we would need to have a revolution every 20 years or so to throw the bums out, but it appears the bums have a stranglehold on the USA and are going to turn it into thier idea of what a socialist society should be.
History has shown that most ideal democratic countries only last about 200 years before they go downhill quickly. We passed out 200th birthday about 35 years ago. The ride is going to get rougher from now on, hang on tight! :x
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Post by ezrablu »

That's exactly what I thought when I listened to this video...straight from this week's news!
The gov knows what to dangle in front of American's noses to hush them up for a while...and do so each time "we the people" get riled. Slowly over time and learning from what works on us...they've managed to confuse Americans on what our rights really are, what we really can and should do about what's going on in our government.
Now, our government is so strong even "We the People" can't stop or control it any longer without a revolution. But, "We the People" see it...know it...and the smart ones are or have already prepared for the direction our country is headed. Others who can't see it or refuse to see it will be the people the government has in their back pocket when things do colapse because they will HAVE to rely on the government for food, etc. And the government also knows that will be A LOT of people not prepared.
He who controls the food really does control the world. Yet most people still don't ask themselves what would they do if they couldn't go to Walmart or where ever, to buy food? And most people haven't asked themselves why Martial Law was put into effect in USA, why GMO seeds were created, why RFID chips are now in passports and will be in our new NATIONAL ID's, why there are now hundreds of secured FEMA camps set up in the USA...and the list goes on and on. But these things have been brought in so slowly upon us that many don't questions such slow changes.
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Post by Bob »

I watched that also and agree...some things never change. Perhaps if everyone just ignored politics completely..they would go away.
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Post by Kai »

Honestly, I don't know why americans are so damned afraid of becoming socialist. Look at the most successful, democratic countries in the world: The scandinavians. Sweden, Denmark, Norway. They have almost 40% income tax, but also one of the lowest unemployment and highest rates of university-educated adults in the world! When the goverment provides services like health care, post secondary education, and the like, it is awarded on a merit-based system, not how much money an individual can throw at the problem. If the states had a merit-based university admissions system, you wouldn't have only the rich's children going to Stanford, Harvard, and other ivy-league schools. I have a friend from Denmark, and he was surprised that I have to work a job to pay for food *while* attending university. He just gets a check from his government for 500$ a month. It's time to let go of cultural myths and pioneering fantasies, the world has changed since 1778.

This is coming from a Canadian Poli-Sci student though, so I might be a little bit biased.
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Post by rlaggren »

IMHO, Americans are in a "growing up" period. We got us a hugely rich land (one way or another) which enabled us to make all sorts of great statements and dream great dreams and set off in fine new directions... And all that good stuff and lots of it _was_ good. No contest.

But mostly (with many great exceptions but I'm talking about the other 85%) we've been "living on inventory" sucking our resources, our water table, down and now we're reaching the same point of many of the other peoples in the world: We can't just assume the cuz we're us that God's on our side that we're, hell that the whole human race, is going to wade through the shit and come out roses by right and by god. Can't just dump our trash on somebody else and it'll go away. 'Taint so.

Far as I can see there's nothing wrong with this. We ran with what we had, did grand things, made the world different. But now the times they are a changin' - gotta grow up a little, move on, create, contribute, pay our debts. Time to get real.

Old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times". Looks like we've arrived.

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Post by Standaddy »

Rufus? Looks like you might believe some of the same shit I believe.
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Post by rlaggren »

Well, I believe most people know what's real if you can step around their programming. Sometimes that's hard, though. I've heard stories of the Allied and German infantry sharing food and drink and song across the trenches on Christmas day with a good will. I guess we need a bit of an excuse to see beyond the programming.

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Post by dburt »

Every system has something that works, and that is good for everyone. If we could just form a communal democratic capitolist socialist government, why- what do you know, then maby we'd all be happy?! :D

I'd guess I'd have to disagree with Kia about being a happy socialist from some place like Canada. There you are still a subject of the crown, not a citizen. I kinda like being a citizen and not a subject of some king or queen or some other such throwback to medevial times. Unlike socialists, we tend to vote for and want what works best for the individual, not what is best for everyone else at the expense of the individual. So individual rights are more important then what the masses want. At least in theory that is what it has been, although lately we are getting away from that model in some areas. :cry:

But I do know alot of happy Canucks, and have lots of them for friends. We argue back and forth about government policy, etc. Then we just agree to have different ideas and get along fine. It is interesting that many of the Canadians who have basic free health care under thier socialist style government still go down to Arizona in the winter and then mob the Mexican doctors accross the border in Mexico because many of them like the better, quicker medical care they can get in Mexico then back home in Canada. And they don't mind paying for it down in Mexico either. I always wondred what that says about Canadian health care? :roll:

I have some good friends who are Germans. They really like the USA the way it has been, and worry that it will go socialist someday. Being that both of them work for the German government, they seem to be wary of any socialist or facist leanings.

Maby a person just gets used to what they grew up with, and fear any change to something else.

Anyone for my country of the CDCS? We will have to find an island or someplace we can start- :lol:

Maby we could all go down and take over New Zealand. It's a big island, really nice scenery, good people, we could grow our own food, just kick back and enjoy life! Oh wait- that is kinda what NZ is like already. We just have to get them to learn to drive on the correct side of the road! :D
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Post by teamgreen »

It seems obvious to me that this is an intentional collapse. Everything in America is about the profit of a small group of people. Even the food stamp program is a for-profit business run by JP Morgan. These people need to make big changes to their business structures from time to time that require laws to change. The easiest way to get people to go along with that is to scare them or make them poor. They do it all the time. Usually, politicians who talk about this stuff mysteriously die. I know, I've just outed myself as a nut.
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Post by Bob »

Its great to be surrounded by fellow nuts. :D
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Post by stuartcnz »

dburt wrote: Oh wait- that is kinda what NZ is like already. We just have to get them to learn to drive on the correct side of the road! :D
We already drive on the correct side of the road, it's you lot in the U.S. that need to learn where to be on the road. It was a nightmare trying to avoid all the crazies driving on the wrong side when I was there. :D
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Post by ezrablu »

teamgreen...good post! And, there's alot of us nuts out here that think the same as you :D
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Post by dburt »

"We already drive on the correct side of the road, it's you lot in the U.S. that need to learn where to be on the road. It was a nightmare trying to avoid all the crazies driving on the wrong side when I was there." Stuart

That reminds me of the story supposedly about an Aussie who came to LA to visit, and left his wife at the hotel while he went out to drive around for a while seeing the sites. His wife was watching the news when a News Flash came on warning folks that there was a person driving down the wrong side of the 410 Freeway during rush hour traffic causing all sorts of mayhem.

Concerned, his wife called him on the cell phone and told him to be very careful because there was a crazy person driving down the wrong side of the freeway and it could cause an accident. He replied that he was ok, but that there were lots of real crazy folks all over the freeway where he was, in fact everyone was driving on the wrong side of the freeway where he was right then :D

(Maby it was Stuart?? :shock: )
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