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Post by dadeo »

Thats so crazy, that they archived those old pages!! I saw the one of Cece's bus and it has a link to the old chat room!!
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That Yuri guy...

Post by osteoderm »

Wow, I sure am glad I found this forum! I'm amazed to find mention of my old bus or of myself. It's a real trip to realize that my online housetrucking started back in 1999, and that there's still content of mine on the web.

Yes, as Sharkey reported, I did go to sea. I worked on boats up and down the Canadian and US west coast, then ended up in the Caribbean for a few years. I re-built a boat (yes, the bus was excellent training!) and had some adventures in the islands.
Sailing has brought me back to the States; this time on the east coast, in Rhode Island, where I'm still carpentering, tinkering, living, loving, and preparing for the next great adventure. The old bus (yes, the pic dadeo posted is of my bus) is still up in central British Columbia, parked out in the way-back, a curiosity for the cows.

The yahoo housetrucks e-group seems to still exist, but hasn't been maintained in years. It was becoming increasingly plagued by spam. As I was traveling around with very flaky web access, it was getting extremely burdensome to moderate new members/posts and police the spam.
The final blow occurred when I was locked-out of my yahoo accounts. Somehow during the early-adoption of Yahoo's new webmail service, my account was compromised; my account name exists, but refuses my passwords. I lost access to all my mail archives, address books, group settings, etc. These days, I back-up everything twice in three places!

I'm still passionately advocating a simpler lifestyle. The practical lessons that bus-dwelling taught me have served my extremely well over the past few years of travel and adventure. It has also shaped my character for the better.
I sometimes long for the old bus, or some new interpretation, but it looks like a rough go here. As a born rural westerner, the east coast is a very crowded and alien place, where quiet abandoned lots, hassle-free cul-de-sacs, and agreeable neighbors feel in very short supply. It seems harder and harder to deny that a nomad needs an open road, and that a frontiersman needs an unbridled frontier.

Well, I'm really looking forward to re-connecting with a few people here!


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Post by Jones'n4chrome »

Thanks for stopping by. It would be great if you could stop by the chat room. It is called SharkChat. One of the members (Stuartcnz) is rebuilding a boat also. Stuart is often on SharkChat. It is a fun bunch of people, I'm sure you would enjoy it.

Here is a helpful link.

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Post by Sharkey »

Wow, Yuri, good hearing from you! You dropped out and now have dropped back in!!

I hope you'll have time to hang around and entertain us with some stories of your exploits of the last few years. Drop ino the Chat some time too.

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a pot to piss in

Post by osteoderm »

A quick Orisus Greg story: I can't recall if it was on the orisus chat or some thread on my old housetrucks mailing list, but someone once made a friendly crack about me "not having a pot to piss in". At the time, this was completely true, both literally and figuratively!
Well, surprise, Greg asks me for my mailing address, and a week or two later a whole complete porta-potti shows up at my mailing address in BC. I never had a separate head in the bus; the potti just slid under the bed, behind an oak panel, ready to be pulled out for use.
It was a really deluxe model too, which made it bulky and awkward to pull out and dump. As a result, I really avoided using it. Still, I sure did appreciate the gift!

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