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Dennis The Bus Dweller
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Post by Dennis The Bus Dweller »

You hear that Rudy, Don't be a chump :wink: The funny part is and I've told you this my self, is that you did and still do give us life here Rudy. So all kidding aside, You need to stay involved at least on a part time bases 8)
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Post by dburt »

We have got to get Rudy and Sharkey focused again :!:

All this talk of checking out of our group is not good :shock:

Maby some of us are not much use on the site for keeping it going, or adding the needed help or ambience that some of the rest are better at, but we would be like a bunch of lost pups without all our Sharkey site friends and social circle. :cry:

So- what's it going to take to get Rudy and Sharkey re-invigorated, refocused, and over the bad vibes?
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Post by Sharkey »


I've said all along that the day Rudy Harley joined the forum was the the day it began breathing on it's own and stopped being all-Sharkey-all-the-time.

This is confirmed by hard evidence.

Look at the forum statistics and check out August 2009, Rudy's join date. The page views increased by 50% by November. It looks like we took a big hit in December, but that's not true, that's when I implemented the more effective spam controls and 60% of the page load that was being consumed by spammers, robots and content scrapers dropped off, leaving an accurate pictorial of the forum activity.

We went though a bit of a slump in the summer of 2010, but that's to be expected, people in the Northern hemisphere are out doing things and spending less time on the 'net.

I'm not saying that this place would fall apart if Rudy left. We actually have the makings of a tight group, and I'm very pleased with everyone's involvement, but Rudy (and Dennis, and all of you) is an integral part of the success of this group, and I don't want to see anyone drop out without a damned good reason. Didn't any of you read the user agreement when you registered? YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!!! :twisted: :twisted:

(Speaking of that, Granny moved back to Oregon, somebody kick the ash can and tell her to get back and tell us what she's been up to.)

Rudy, I don't know what part of Missourri you're going to, but I bet the hicks there have discovered at least dial-up service. If you have any thoughts that you aren't wanted and needed here, I call B.S. on that. Besides, who is going to help you fix the next mechanical problem on your bus if you aren't here?
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Dennis The Bus Dweller
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Post by Dennis The Bus Dweller »

What he said 8)
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Post by Rudy »

Rudy wrote:
Sharkey wrote:Say what? I don't think it's either. This forum was basically deserted until Rudy came along and livened it up and made it worth the bother to maintain. If he's ducking out for good, I might as well just pull the plug and turn out the lights. Who will post images of buses and trucks for sale? Who will entertain us with photos and stories of the coaches of the rich and famous? Who will bare their angst over the latest injustice of their employers? When the life of the party checks out, it's time to put the stash away and call the cops about that noisy crowd in the next apartment.

Gee Sharkey, those are some powerful words. I will read them many times.
Let me be clear in saying that those are powerfully GOOD words. I have always received good words and good vibes from the "bus family"

dburt, you may have missed the humor in Sharkey's responses.

I am honored to be held in high regard on this site. Also, without everyone's help here, I would know very little about my bus. The involvement and concern of all who helped me with my fuel pump problem is impressive.

Sharkey is very focused on keeping this site running.

I am very focused on providing humor, knowledge, and my obscure insight.

So, you may ask, why did I start this thread?

I mentioned about being "under the radar". There were times in my life when I had no computer, no phone, no address. I enjoyed anonymity.
They (the government) are watching ALL of us. Perhaps I am a little paranoid about this.

Couple that with going to a new place and not knowing the capability of being able to connect to the web made me wonder how long I would be appearing on Sharkey's site.

Having given some thought to "being free", I realize you can not hide from " Big Brother". Knowing that, I am here to stay.

That's correct. I am NOT leaving this site. I am NOT disappearing.

It has been said that the site needs me as much as I need it.

I love you all. please excuse the scare.

Are we straight?

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Post by dburt »

Time for a group hug? :lol:
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Post by Headache »

Rudy wrote:I mentioned about being "under the radar". There were times in my life when I had no computer, no phone, no address. I enjoyed anonymity.
They (the government) are watching ALL of us. Perhaps I am a little paranoid about this.

Couple that with going to a new place and not knowing the capability of being able to connect to the web made me wonder how long I would be appearing on Sharkey's site.

Having given some thought to "being free", I realize you can not hide from " Big Brother". Knowing that, I am here to stay.
Thank you for the clarification Rudy. You are not alone as I am also "government wary" but I also feel that most everyone here is to their own degree is as well.

What I read in your original post was that you might have wanted a break(aside from the uncertainty of a new place) and needed some freedom for awhile. Relationships can be hard work, even online ones. To see the sheer amount of what you have contributed here is a testament to that. But even hard workers need a break sometime and that's what I thought you were doing.

Plus, I don't know about anyone else but when I get new digs I spend time running around checking out the surroundings. I'm usually incommunicado for upwards of a week because I wear myself out and go to bed. :lol:

I hope the plug doesn't get pulled if ever a change must occur. This site has been such an inspiration for me in believing it possible to spend the rest of the time my Dad has left WITH him, not wishing it could happen. Who knows what others may be inspired by.
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Post by Sharkey »

Rudy wrote:They (the government) are watching ALL of us. Perhaps I am a little paranoid about this
Gee, ya think? You ought to be more worried about Facebook, Google, Big Oil, and the Bankstas, all of which have a much more intense interest in violating your privacy than the Rev'noors.
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Dennis The Bus Dweller
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Post by Dennis The Bus Dweller »

Peace along the way
Dennis the bus dweller N.Y.
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Post by Stealth Camper »

They are either gonna watch you or not. As an old friend from my misspent youth would say; "Joke 'em if they can't take f...!"

What can they do? Worst case send in a bunch of black ops CIA guys to kill you. (Well, that would be bad, but as long as you aren't up to visibility level of Ghadafi, they don't have time to mess with you.)
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Post by Dualfuel »

I like Rudy. I like everybody here. I read the thread and realize that the scare is over, still its not too late to say I care. I care, and don't want to lose what I have here.
I understand about the loss of the internet, and will be experiencing that this summer too. Unless, they hook up some G-4 in town or some such gadgetry I don't know about. The internet is handy, but so is eating, so its off to the fields, this summer, we go!
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Post by ezrablu »

I was wondering where you've been lately Duelfuel....there's been several people that haven't been on for a while.

By the way, nicely said :thumbup: I probably won't be on as much this summer either because I HAVE to make sure I finish everything I need to before winter this time.
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Post by Dualfuel »

Thanks Ezra,
It was a nip and tuck winter. I ended up with very little time for the computer. Like you, I will be busy preparing for winter starting just as soon as the snow goes. Right now, the wood is coming back out of the snow so I have a bit more time, and things aren't as hand to mouth.
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