Component Compatability

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Component Compatability

Post by Headache »

My swapping out of the video card didn't quite go as planned so now I'm in safe mode with networking. I was wondering if some of you more technically inclined than I would look over these components and make sure they will work with each other.

I go to the sites with all the technical info just to be sure but then my eyes blur trying to read all that stuff. ... No=5752143 ... No=6089169 ... No=5660536 ... No=6753736

I have everything else and some in multiple. Thanks bunches.
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Post by rlaggren »

Haven't followed you saga, don't know what's been the problem or if you're been here: Often you need to install drivers for the particular board you're using if you want it to display better. If you have a machine that will boot from a CD/DVD, get one of the free Linux-on-a-disk systems (eg. Knoppix) and boot up and see what happens. That will give you a "2nd opinion" on the state of your hardware. If the PC will run OK off the CD, that hints that maybe it's not a hardware problem at all and you can get squinty-eyed about your opsys.

Usually if you can get a card plugged into the board and it gives you a picture, then it's probably compatible as anything else, in theory. However, some cards cause problems either because _they_ have a problem - or there's some glitch in the mobo design. Very hard to predict and not usually documented too well anywhere because it's not supposed to happen.

If it really looks like a hardware problem, then find some computer whiz kids hanging out somewhere near you (computer dealer/fixer, sometimes a video gaming club, maybe the local school) and go have a chat. The object is to get friendly help from folks who have a pile of cards lying around that you can plug and try. If you find the right "friends", then take you machine over for an afternoon or evening's futzing around. Just beware the ambitious helper who will want to go and "improve" all sorts of things on your machine - that can be interesting but it almost always takes forever and messes up somewhere and leads to a forced long term relationship which might not really be you "thing". Enthusiasts having fun experimenting on your tools can get very trying. <g>

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Post by Headache »

I've already done all you suggested on my own. The motherboard is going bad as well as the issues I've had with both hardware and drivers for my video and graphics. The driver issues won't go away until I can wipe the hard drive.

What I lack is the technical mind to know exactly what parts are compatible with each other which is why I made this post. I would like to know from the brainiacs if the above linked parts are in fact compatible with each other.
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Post by rlaggren »

Well, if you've gone those nine yards without reaching nirvana you may want to start thinking about biting the bullet. You've run through all the simple practical stuff and you have done at least as much and probably more than is reasonable to get the thing to work; any more time spent is probably throwing good after bad so to speak. In my experience you can't trouble shoot this kind of complexity long distance and (also in my experience) there are some "simple" problems that can eat days, even weeks of time even when you know what you're doing. So it can make sense to quit early and find the better way when possible.

Time do the big WIPE or get a new machine unless you can limp along as-is safely. When you wipe, delete the partitions and rewrite the MBR as well.

"Desktop" PC's are literally give-aways in most cities these day, but absent timely luck Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc usually have 2 or 3 for $20-$50 and you can often get a money-back warrantee; if not, take a system CD (and maybe a good keyboard and mouse) in with you and test the machine in the store. How modern a machine you need depends on what opsys you want and what you want to do with it. Surfing is a pretty low-end endeavor, even if you spend all your time on youtube. Playing video games, producing animated movies, recording 10 tracks of sound/video raises the stakes.

One caveat: Don't plan on using anything on the disk of a used machine - anything at all. Wipe totally, delete _all_ partitions, and start from zero. Else you don't know what disease you're dealing with - your own are bad enough you don't need somebody else's! Back up stuff you want or if there isn't that much email it to your yahoo, hotmail or google account as an attachment. Remember that those questionable files you downloaded last year can still infect you so pause before bringing stuff into your new kingdom.

FWIW. Best luck.

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Post by Headache »

Rufus dear, I know you are trying to help but all I want to know is if the above listed parts are compatible with each other, that's all. I've done the diagnosing, there are no viruses or other baddies except age and heavy use. For some reason I have difficulty with understanding compatibility. I can handle the rest. Thank you though.

I didn't wipe the drive because I already knew that the video card was going(made that sucker work for a year after I found it was going bad) and I had no back up to be online. Right now is a critical time for me as most all of my business regarding bus purchase and parking has been handled online. I couldn't risk not being aable to get online.

And I'm posting this from my new craptop that I'm still figuring out.
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Post by rlaggren »

Headache, sorry to tax your patience. I have no idea what your knowledge and experience vv PC's (or anybody's generally) may be so I try to keep my comments clear; and I don't assume I know what you mean when you "did this" and "tried that". Sometimes I get a bit long. <g> If you're interested, I programmed, analyzed and managed in the IT industry from '73 through '85; since then I've built a few PC's as needed, maybe 10 or so and re-built systems on another 20 or so and generally keep my friends up and running - but not for a living.

> understand compatibility...

Nobody does except from sad personal experience. In simple words your simple answer does not exist. There is no secret list of incompatible products; the official "compatible" lists in no way pretend to be complete and even those items screw up occasionally depending on weather, various bios or firmware and who knows.

If it's a compatibility issue.

> critical time...

What I said. Time to move on. Sounds like that's what you've done.

Cheers, Rufus
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Post by Headache »

LOL, Rufus you think waaaaaayyy too much! You need to dumb it down in volumes! K.I.S.S.

By compatibility I mean that I want to know that those parts will talk to each other, ex: that I'm not going to be trying to plug a cpu into the wrong motherboard, that I'd be ordering the proper memory and that the video card will indeed work with that motherboard and cpu.

I have no need to know the weather, any "wares" or the price of tea in China.

I used to be able to use online computer builders and it would warn me if components wouldn't work with each other but now so many of them have these "base" kinds of things and don't offer the parts I want to explore in the drop downs.

And since you brought up building computers I know darn well you understand compatibility unless you tried using Pentium based hardware on AMD platforms or tried using a Phenom processor on an Athlon motherboard.

Yes, I understand those are generalities but that's as far as I can get. When it starts getting into what model number of this works with these model numbers of that and I can only use 2 or 4 of this and that other thing won't work, my mind gets foggy and I can't think very clearly, thus doubting my ability to ensure I have the right components for the build.
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Post by rlaggren »

I've occasionally pondered that it might be best just to go by the things all put together and enjoy the afternoon out doors with the BBQ or find other ways to get into trouble...

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