Digital olfactory synthacator computer program really works

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Digital olfactory synthacator computer program really works

Post by dburt »

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I had heard about a new cutting edge computer program that uses a technology whereby you can send a digital electronic "signiture" of an odor or smell over the internet.

I asked several folks who are much more technologically advanced then I am, and in a layman's words this is about how it works. The program uses
your computers speaker or microphone (if so equipped) to capture a digitized electronic "signiture" of an odor. Apparently odors emit wavelengths in the higher audio spectrum, but at a much higher level that is undetected by the human ear. These can readily be picked up by a speaker or microphone via the sympathetic vibration principle.

The speaker or microphone in the computer that receives the email or brings up the forum threads that have the embedded program then causes the speakers in your computer to vibrate the same wavelength and causes an electronic digitized odor that your nose detects via of course your olfactory nerves which detect that wavelength.

When Rudy sent the pictures of the stew he made, I swore I could smell something but knew my wife was not cooking anything like that. I asked her to come into the office and see if she smelled anything unusual. I had minimized the screen so she could not see the picture. She said that she too smelled a stew of some kind. Her sense of smell is better then mine!

Using the security firewall program we have, I had it scan the computer and email to detect any unusual programs, and what do you suppose it found?? The "digital olfactory synthacator" program embedded in the emails and forum postings. Whoever embedded this program in the forum threads is very clever, but we can all enjoy it especially when Rudy shows pictures of his crockpot creations to go along with the digital electronic smell. Rudy, just don't take pictures of dumping your holding tanks! We can all do without that! :oops:

Isn't modern technology great?
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Post by Rudy »

DB, Now that you mention it, I thought it was kinda weird when I first looked at Dennis's Ghetto pot roast post. I had mentioned that I could smell it. Do you really think that technology has advanced to that point. I gotta tell you, that I was almost convinced that I could smell it. So much so that I wanted to go over to his place and have some of that beautiful crockpot dish he created. Recently, he posted the pancakes and sausage. This is some freaky stuff. Are we both nuts, or is this stuff really happening? It's kinda scary in a way. Rudy
Last edited by Rudy on Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dburt »

One of the odors that can overpower the program is the strong smell of garlic. Sometimes on the receiving end of the program the odor can come out smelling like onions.

I guess like any program, it has to be refined along the way to work properly 100% of the time. There is a thing called "fuzzy logic" that is used in alot of computer programs that attempts to differentiate between two things that are very much alike such as in spell check programs, etc where you can have words such as "to", "two", or "too" and the "fuzzy logic" has to also take into account the wording of the sentance or phrase so as to make the correct spell checks on on words.

Maby as this programs gains wider use and acceptance, they will get it fine tuned so that all smells transmit properly and nothing is "lost in translation".
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Post by Rudy »

Man, I still don't get it. Lately I have been reading about nanobots that can be injected into people that will transmit a signal to some "headquarters" to let them know where you are. I never thought that "they" could do what you are talking about with the transmission of smells. Maybe you are aware of how different smells can trigger emotions in people. Do you think that "Big Brother" is hitting us from all angles? That is some scary Shit. Does anyone else have some experience with this transmitting of scents through cyberspace? We would love to hear what your concepts are.
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Post by Rudy »

DB, I still have a hard time believing this smell stuff. I don't doubt it though. I know that NASA was doing some experiments a while back with that sort of stuff. I used to read a lot of Scientific American magazines. I still have a bunch. I will do some research. It is spooky, though, when I looked at Dennis's pancake picture, I am almost positive I smelled them. I think I am pretty uncomfortable with all of this. Just think of all the ramifications. Rudy
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Post by Rudy »

Lead Pencil Radio.

Since DB has told us about this new technology, I wanted to tell you about something I read in a Scientific American magazine many years ago. There were some scientists that claimed you could make a radio receiver with nothing but two lead pencils. I guess, back then, they had lead in the middle instead of graphite that is in pencils nowadays. The scientists said that if you removed the erasers and the metal holders and NOT sharpen the other end, you had the makings of a radio receiver. They recommended that you use vaseline on the ends that you were to stick in your ears. Also, they said if you made a cap out of tin foil to stick on your head, it would center the reception to the pencils. I have heard of people receiving radio transmissions through the fillings in their teeth. I guess the scientists were trying to achieve the same process. I think you were supposed to use your arms and hands as an antennae. I tried it, but nothing happened. I think that some people have more electricity in their bodies than others. I often wonder what makes people spontaneously combust. If anyone has had any experience with radio waves in their head, we sure would like to hear about it. Also if anyone has read that article about the lead pencil radio and tried it, I sure would like to know if it worked.
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Post by Rudy »

OK DB, Maybe Sharkey is doing some stuff on these forums that he's not telling us about. I just made a big batch of Dennis's chili recipe. I even ate it in front of the computer. I would like you to go to the Foodstamp Gourmet forum and click on Dennis's Chili thread. I posted a picture there. This time, get some other people to see if they can smell chili. I really want to make sure that what you say is true. I read some stuff in my old magazines, and they never said there was any success with their experiments. Of course that was twenty five years ago that they did experiments with this stuff and back then, computer technology was archaic.
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Post by dburt »

I am going to try and get my son the sceptic to try and see if he smells anything. I have been wondering if I really smell the correct smell, if I am not then the program must not be working right, and still need fine tuning by whoever developed it. I wonder what Sharkey knows about such technology since he seems to be up on all things technical.

I am going to check with the food threads to see if it is still working correctly.

This reminds me of a study the Navy did back in the '70's when they tried to develop the technology to dehydrate distilled water so they could ship it easier to arid regions where US troops were stationed or would be fighting in future wars. They also found that the dehydrated water was not subject to mold problems that regular liquid water had when in humid or very wet regions of the world. And of course NASA was keen to have the technology to send water on space missions, since in the dehydrated form it only used about 1/5th the volume of space and only weighed 1/3rd weight of liquid water.
Last edited by dburt on Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rudy »

Dehydrated water? What was it? A gel? I guess it would be a perfect compliment to dehydrated food. I know that you can actually get water from a rock if you squeeze it hard enough. I think it would take a whole bunch of rocks though. I wonder if that is what happened on the moon. I think they just found evidence of water on the moon. Maybe it was in it's dehydrated form and only recently, it became liquid form. Do you think that the government has known about this for a long time and has kept it secret? Perhaps there are areas on this planet that have dehydrated water that nobody will tell us about.
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Post by dburt »

From what I remember about the story, it was a dried gel type powder. This of course was what they ended up with after applying all the technical stuff they do. I need to google the Naval study and see if I can find it, it was done during the mid '70's and was called something like "De-Hydrated Water Technology and Current Assesments of Future Arid Conflict Scenarios" or some such thing.

I went to the "Dennis' Chilli" thread and the tomato smell was really crisp, but the other odors were rather bland and hard to detect. As I have said before, the program just needs fine tuning, or I need the latest computer to have the best audio card and top rated speakers for the best transmission.
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Post by Rudy »

I want to know who's messing with this site. I don't think that Sharkey has enough time to employ these tactics. This "smell theory" has really got me baffled. Since it is only Dennis's pics that I smell anything from, do you think it is he who is employing this computer device? I think he almost gave it away when he said he could smell the garlic in my chili dish I just made. He may be smarter than we all know.
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Post by dburt »

Maby one of the "lurkers" is spoofing on us with this program?
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Post by Rudy »

Yeah, I wish they would come out from behind the curtain and show themselves. I feel that they are like Peeping Toms.
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Post by BostonBB »

Are you sure this "Digital olfactory synthacator" program is actually new technology?? I'm sure this is just the "Smell-O-Vision" technolgy from the early '60s packaged in an Analog to Digital converter. I knew a guy back then who's dad almost got it to work on their Magnavox. But then some guys in big black limos showed up and confiscated his equipment along with the 100 mpg carborator he had perfected.
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Post by Rudy »

So Boston, Is it you that is doing this stuff? I remember hearing about Smell O Vision. I thought I was crazy when I smelled Dennis's crockpot dishes. I really have a hard time believing this is happening. Do me a favor and go to Foodstamp Gourmet forum and tell me if you can smell the Dennis's chili that I made. Of course, if it is you that is making this smell transmission work, then you will say, "of course, I can smell it". I will think, then, that it is you that has been doing this to us (or for us). You must be one smart guy. Oh, by the way, I did notice that it was not until recently that I started smelling things on the web. Coincidently, it is not until recently that you have come out from behind the curtain and shown yourself. You may think that you are very clever, but I can see your schemes. Are you a scientist? Rudy
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