Posting photo's and pictures on the forum

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Posting photo's and pictures on the forum

Post by stuartcnz »

To post pics, first go to .

Click on Choose File. Then access which file you want.

Double click the photo.

Next, click on the arrow on the right of the Resize box. Choose Message Board 640X480 .

REMEMBER to use the Resize function before you upload a photo. 640X480

Press the green Upload button.

Type in the two words. If they are too hard to read, click where it says "get a new challenge"

Press green Upload Now button.

Left click on the box that says IMG code for forums/message boards.
The box turns black background.

Now right click (copy).

Now go to your post on the forum and right click (paste).

You will see that IMG code you got from TinyPic..

When you press either Preview or Submit on your forum post, the picture will appear.

REMEMBER to use the Resize function before you upload a photo. 640X480.

After a few tries of doing this, it will become second nature.

If you want to post more than one photo, Click Upload More, and repeat the process.

REMEMBER, resize to Message Board size. (640X480), before you press the upload button.

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