Boat Sitting

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

I'm just the humble cabin girl who sometimes gets to hold the tiller. But I still don't like being screamed at.

I went to pay moorage today and one of the darn bungy cords snapped that was holding Anastar's tarp. I didn't feel like fixing it right then and went to the Rock Cod Cafe` for tea.

Rick is trying to find me another bungy cord now and I'll fix it tomorrow or the next day.

Roly called the other night, same story, he's coming down but doesn't know when.

Well his "cabin girl" will be screaming if he doesn't get here soon, I want him to get as much prep work as possible done and when it warms up next Spring we can do the repairs and paint and get her back in the water.

The "cabin girl" is going to get a new fishing rod and see if she can catch supper if we get becalmed. :wink:

Maybe I'll catch my grumpy skipper by the seat of his pants :lol: (my Dad caught diving ducks on his cod jig!)

Well if we're going to be out there, I may as well fish, it all helps fill the freezer and my grumpy skipper likes salmon so maybe good food will mellow him out.

He's silly--fishing gear is on the boat, his fishing rod is with him in the Kootenays, for fishing in Slocan Lake.

Well he won't be using mine! If he calls again I'll tell him to bring his!

I checked all the safety lines, the pulpit and all the other posts and I did have to tighten up the screws on some of them and one has one screw that is stripped.

Base of the mast is fine, boom is fine, stern railings had to be tightened up, tracks and travellers are good, winches are good.

Basically I've checked everything on top that the book "Inspecting the Aging Sailboat" says to check and I'll check the underside when she comes out of the water.

Poor skipper, this is one time he's really going to regret NOT doing his homework, he hates having me show him how things have to be done--and on HIS boat.

Rufus if you hear any loud noises after he gets here and the boat arrives, we're just arguing about the "How To" of fixing her.

Cheers :) Lois
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Re: Boat Sitting

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Are you sure he is your friend??
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Oh yes, just a very volatile friend and we have different opinions on how things should be done sometimes.

He can be a little sneak and a mooch when he wants to, but hopefully he realizes which side the toast is buttered on and doesn't get stupid with me.

My friend Mark has experience with this sort of repair and is going to help, so he and I can leave the skipper fuming and get on with the work.

:) Cheers
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Much HOT air floating around I think, Roly STILL hasn't shown up or called me. Think Anastar will be going to sherriff, I can't afford the moorage anymore. I'm not eating right, always out of money and wanting to Keel-haul Roly!

:( Lois
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Oh and we found a new rain leak, above the table, so leak catcher is now on the table--I think the washer that seals the bolt to the pulley for lifting the hatch needs replacing.

Forward porthole is still leaking and the catcher for it is leaking--time for a new bucket.

Roly being a jerk, doubt he'll be down, think he found a warm bed with a sleazy bedwarmer :evil: (I have a nasty jealous streak)

Poor Anastar, she needs an owner who cares like Anna did and I do, if this goes on much longer I'll be putting a lien on the boat after I somehow pay up moorage, and shaking the title out of Roly with help from Mark! :evil:

I'm tired of being used. I have other things I could do with the time I spend being annoyed with Roly and worried about the boat.

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Leaks, leaks, and more leaks, now it's the skylight. :roll: So tomorrow I'll be covering that with garbage bags.

I also remembered the darn insurance will have run out when the boat came out of the estate and passed to Roly so in order to get insurance, she has to be surveyed when she's repaired and still out of the water, so we're going to have to do a darn good job on that keel or Roly won't be able to get insurance! :(

PLUS, right now Anastar is sitting next to a gorgeous new BRIGHT yellow sailboat called "Hot Mustard"--and if Anastar breaks a mooring line or the keel goes, there is going to be "Mustard" all over Anastar, or vice versa, Not a pleasant thing to contemplate. :shock:

I'm replacing that iffy mooring line AND putting extra fenders on the far side of Anastar--NEW fenders because most of hers are pretty flat.

I don't like this part of my job as cabin girl and I am calling Roly at least every three days. Today I left a message about the insurance--that should get him to call, he'll try to argue that the boat is in the estate--and he'll yell when I tell him she isn't!

Someone give me some ear plugs and if you hear a KABOOM up here you'll know I finally lost my temper with Roly.

Love that boat, beginning to detest the owner!

Rufus, Stuart--Any advice???? (yes I know I don't listen well sometimes :oops: )

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by stuartcnz »

yugogypsy wrote:Leaks, leaks, and more leaks, now it's the skylight.

Rufus, Stuart--Any advice???? (yes I know I don't listen well sometimes :oops: )

At this stage, I would recomend walking away, while you stil can.
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

yeah, because another cost came up, survey before she goes back in the water because she isn't insured!

Lois--(running away--quick!)
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Well folks, if all goes well, the "cabin girl" will be the boss soon.

I had a long talk with the guys at the marina and I've got money coming in to take over the whole boat, so around April 4th she should be high and dry in my yard. I brought home the dinghy "Astralet" yesterday and packed up everything in Anastar's cabin that could shift in a move, got a hauler and a tow boat lined up, found a qualified shipwright from the old Point Hope Shipyard up here to help me, priced the various compounds required to fix the keel, and I'm going to spend time in warmer weather being the first mate, to heck with being the cabin girl.

Me now boss and if you hear loud noises it will be Roly yelling because I outsmarted him. :D

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

I am EXTREMELY happy with the current situation with Anastar and will be very glad to get her safely home.

Then the work begins and if all goes well she should be back in the water in July, just in time for Mark and I to practice up for the regatta in August.

Cross your fingers everyone, maybe a 30+ year old boat can come home a winner :)

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

Anastar has been home and dry for nearly 2 months and not a peep out of Roly. He changed his address, so he might not come back, plus he owes me money.

Being on land has made the leak fighting easier because not so much blows in the hatch, and has enabled me to put a tiny low temp heater in her when it's wet.

Keel is not in bad shape at all, local guy I found figures $300 with paint and materials and she'll be good to go.

Topside leaks to be fixed yet, hatch seal to replace, a few more things.

Clean the galley, clean the lockers, all the normal routine stuff, then maybe put her in the water next Spring

Because Roly is incommunicado, and untraceable (cops want him too and can't find him) I can swear a paper before a Notary and have Anastar registered in my name.

Then my pal Mark and I go sailing and he can teach me what to do.

Or crew on a race boat at Maple Bay, I got an invite from one of the guys at the yacht club to go there on a race day.

We shall see.

Take Care All
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by stuartcnz »

yugogypsy wrote: Or crew on a race boat at Maple Bay, I got an invite from one of the guys at the yacht club to go there on a race day.
That would be a good option. Though I don't personally get any enjoyment out of racing, I do know that crewing on a race boat is a quick way to learn how to sail.
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

That's what the guys on SailingX say, I may do it, but I'm better working one on one with someone like Mark.

I already missed 2 races and not sure when the next one is but I could try it I suppose.

My friend Mark wants to crew on "Fiasco" she's FAST used to beat him and his buddy's all the time.

I'd like to do the "Lady Skipper" race next year--for Anna, make her proud of me and the boat
Anastar really ought to move when I get her all fixed and when I've done all the cleaning I'm ditching some flattened fenders and there's clothes etc of Roly's and Anna's that I will have to take to Roly's brother Andrew.

So she'll be a bit lighter too, less weight to haul out and around the buoys. Even if I'm only there for fun, I'm doing it for Anna, the boat she loved, at the club she belonged to. (and Roly isn't allowed to go to :lol:

That bit does make me chuckle, I've been invited where he is forbidden, and I pirated his boat away in a manner of speaking.

SPOOKY thing happened when we docked at Maple Bay for the haul-out, Anastar floated past the tow boat and docked herself as if Anna's hand was on the tiller-sure shocked the guy who towed her :shock:

Moving Anastar wasn't fun, spitting rain, 7 in the morning I left Cowichan Bay and spent ALL DAY at the coffee bar at the Maple May Marina because Anastar was the last boat out of the water, and it was pouring rain by the time, by the time we built the cradle and I got soaked, and by the time I got to bed I'd put in a 27 hour day!

But it was worth it, Anastar is safe.

Cheers and thanks for the advice Stuart, I'll check the race schedule and see when the next one is

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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by Stealth Camper »

No pictures??
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Re: Boat Sitting

Post by yugogypsy »

No Stealth, no pictures, I just can't seem to get the hang of posting them, but I did take pictures of her on the lift and when I got her home.

My new 24ft lawn ornament--until she gets fixed and back in the water

Bash On Regardless!
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