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Post by Wallfly »

That should wrap it up. It's been agreed that this is a place for those who are interested in living and sharing their individual, not-necessarily-mainstream, lifestyles and from their own experiences have learned to respect the lifestyles and cultures of others, regardless of their power to defend them.

Those of us who cannot repress the need to get in touch with their Inner-Brownshirt should do it their other sites, then come back here cleansed.
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Post by Jones'n4chrome »

Sharkey wrote:Well, it's pretty simple, Steve, I wasn't all that concerned when it was a thread about how our basic rights as a free society are being eroded by encroaching corporatization of private property. I did begin to have concern when it began to become a rant against immigrants who are perceived as being the reason that we are going down the tubes. I put my foot down when Chuck decided to throw his manners out the window and become openly offensive.

Butt-licking niggers
Butt-licking jews
Butt-licking spics
Butt-licking faggots
Butt-licking krauts

Do any of those offend you? If not, I can think of more.

I get offended when I see the political/social views of over half the population described as "Butt-licking liberals". I'm sick of seeing the word "liberal" used as a profanity. If someone doesn't like the way I think, feel about others, or vote, then STFU, keep your views to yourself, but don't imagine that I'm going to sit by and watch that person smear half the population because they think that the worst imaginable insult to a Mexican is to call them a "Butt-licking liberal". Fuck that. If someone thinks that Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Medved/O'Reilly are setting a good example by using their positions and the use of public airwaves to vilify those with whom they have a philosophical or political difference, then there is no hope for the American society and we might just as well surrender to the haters and become what hundreds of thousands of American military personal have fought against, a Fascist dictatorship with which there is no ability to disagree.

I own this site, I run the forum, and I decide what gets allowed to represent ME on the internet. When I see hateful crap like that thread was beginning to display, I'm going to take action.

EVERYTHING YOU POST to this forum gets picked up by search engines and is archived for eternity. What you post reflects not only on you, but on me. I'm going to exercise control over that, and probably more so from now on. EVERY SINGLE POST you put on this forum shows up in EVERY SINGLE PAGE of my web site. Does anyone really think I want to be associated with despicable hate mongering?

All I want here is for every member to keep their manners about them and behave as if everything they say or do is on public display, because it is.

This is the number one reason I discourage political discussions, they have become too emotionally charged to be argued in a reasonable manner. Sooner or later, one side or the other is going to disregard polite social conventions and go directly for the throat to make the kill for their side. We don't need that here. As I said there are plenty of places on the internet to argue about right/left, liberal/conservative, Republican/Democrat. Let's leave all that aside when we're here and concentrate on our similarities instead of our differences.

Sorry for offending you and others here by using the words "butt-licking" It was very graphic and inconsiderate of me. It will not happen again.

But for the record.
1) It was never a "rant against immigrants" although I did address ILLEGAL immigration. There is a difference, one form of immigration is welcome and acceptable. The other is ILLEGAL, as in "against the laws that every else here has to abide by" Please don't confuse the two at my expense!

"Butt-licking niggers
Butt-licking jews
Butt-licking spics
Butt-licking faggots
Butt-licking krauts"

I NEVER SAID THAT!!! Please don't slander me with your broad-brush! I don't do that to you.

3) "I'm sick of seeing the word "liberal" used as a profanity." Now you know how I feel about the word "Californian" which was the reason I posted to begin with.

4) I also never said "Mexican" There several nationalities that come across the southern boarder who I'm sure would be offended if they were broad-brushed as "Mexicans" so would the Mexican's for that matter.

5) "Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Medved/O'Reilly" I don't know who these people are, nor do I care. But I can assure you that I have no affiliation with them.

6) "I decide what gets allowed to represent ME on the internet" Please don't slander me in the process!

7) "Does anyone really think I want to be associated with despicable hate mongering?" Do you think I enjoy it?

8) "Sooner or later, one side or the other is going to disregard polite social conventions and go directly for the throat to make the kill for their side." Is this not what you did? I didn't know there were "sides"

Thanks. Chuck
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Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:53 am
Location: NE Oregon, SW Idaho

Post by dburt »

If Sharkey was just doing some housecleaning, why didn't this thread get swept away? It would appear that it is certainly more offensive to some then topic threads such as 'A funny thing happened' and such- or, how about topic threads like Sharkey's stories about his younger days living in a house truck or a bus?

This is all very strange and somewhat saddening to see the website disappear all at once, with no good explanation. It's like losing a good friend over some misunderstanding.
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