old military prank

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old military prank

Post by graydawg »

while I was doing time in the air force, I went on temporary duty to adouna, turkey at incirlic AFB after we spent two month's in a hotel on the economy my whole crew finally got a place in the billeting quarters with ac none at the KOZA motel in 1983 and there are alot of stories there including a $38 wild chicken i ran over, but any way back to the billeting quarters it was 3 gi's to a room with very good ac it was 130 degres outside most days. anyway we kept our liquor and food in a dormatory size refridgerator cause you could not leave it in plain view, against regulations then, we had 4 local turkish men there that cleaned everyday and we had alot of booze, and food came up missing all the time, including levi's, used socks, underwear, t-shirts they were hot items on the blackmarket, well we finally got tired of supplying them our stuff, so we all worked together that shared the room so we were pretty tight, we devised a plan because chocolate candy was a highly stolen item we took a hershey wrapper and put a exlax chocolate bar in it and left it in the refridgerater, sure enough it was gone when we all got in from work and the next day all 4 turks were running to the restroom constantly the next day by the way we never did figure out who stole the hershey bar but we didn't have any more chocalate candy come up missing after that. james de graydawg's driver
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another military prankhe 38 dollar chicken

Post by graydawg »

One bright and early morning i cranked up my military all 10 wheel drive double standard transmission two 5 speed transmission hooked to a transfer case for all 10 wheels to pull all in total 25 transmission gears and 2 speed differentials on top of that for a total of 50 forward gears if you count each one and 5 reverses and it was a M series so it also had a convertible top to boot, I am going down this 14 or 15 foot wide part gravel,tar,pot holes road with a lowboy trailer with a 40 thousand pound 14 foot wide dozier on my trailer, heading the 25 or so miles to base to go to work that am. well in the middle of the road is just barely wide enough for my truck with its wide load I also had opposing traffic flying at me, the law says if you flash your lights first you have the right of way, now mind you this is also a muslum country to boot. out fly's a wild chicken, i run over said chicken, all of a sudden I am a wanted criminal now what wasn't following me, met at the main gate to do the formal charges. i had to go to court over this chicken. I had to pay for 12 generations of chicken and eggs that would have been produced it totaled up to $38 I was convicted to pay or spend 38 days in prison the exact prison featured in the movie midnight express that movie was banned in turkey I did not get to see the movie untill i was in the us. james bluedawgs driver
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Post by Jones'n4chrome »

Good thing you didn't run over a turkey. :D
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Post by dburt »

Those guys that made you pay the fine for that wild chicken's demise under your wheels are probably still laughing about how they pulled one over the Americanos. $38 in those days was probably alot of money to them, and to score such a hit on the gringo must have made thier day! :x
William Biffwinkle
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Post by William Biffwinkle »

Turkish chocolate......nice.
You cannot make a sow's ear out of a silk purse either.....but has anyone really tried to do both?

now heer in biffwinkleville we make deep fried DEEserts outa sows ears......an thayr ain't nuthin' stoopider lookin' than'n earless pig....
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$38 dead chicken

Post by graydawg »

The Turkish Jon Dora are the one's that enforce the laws they are the very well armed militia policia (AK-47 and pistol) I would have had no fine if it had been a person, because they know better than to be out in the road, the poor cofused animal did not know any better, so it was completely my fault. The amount $38 was a set rate (for american's anyway) based on the chickens natural life exspectacy and for 12 generation of offsring and eggs it would have produced. they had a dead chicken collection jar at the NCO club on base, just for that very reason, so it did not really cost me out of my own pocket. It was just one of many scams the turks pulled on the americans. we the us built them a complete military base and i mean everything, well they kicked the us off it when it was finished building, but during the first gulf war the us (suckers) were asked to come in and rebuild/remodel the base and defend that region for them. I served 4 1/2 months there temporary duty and they wanted me to re-enlist to serve 18 month's there, I laughed so hard at thier set of orders I cried
James graydawgs driver
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