Missing Photo's?

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Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

I host a lot of the photo's that I post here, myself. I have also just changed one of my websites that I host a lot of them on.
In the process, a lot of the links have changed.

If you notice any of my photo's are missing from any posts, I would appreciate being told about it, so that I can fix it.

I have gone through and made http://nomadicista.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2953 work again. but I'm sure there are now, or will be in the future, other posts which need fixing.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by ol trunt »

Hi Stuart. I noticed three photos missing from my 11/18/15, '35 Chevy post but just chalked it up to my ineptitude with all things computer--which it may still be. Ha! Jack
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

Hi jack,
Those photo's of yours appear to be missing in action. Message from your photo hosting provider says: Sorry This person moved or deleted this image.

Probably you best bet would be to re-upload those missing photos, and edit the post to reflect the new locations of those missing photos, or append them in a new post to your topic; or just accept that they have disappeared into the ether: Depending on your feeling towards it.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by ol trunt »

"Either", it all and we all will be there soon enough, but in the mean time I'd like people to be able to see what I tried to share. Happily, I still had in my files the pics Photo F----er I mean B ucket managed to dispose of and I was able to replace the missing pics in my 11/18/15 post. Lastly, if it was worth posting (and I hope it was) then it was worth trying to fix. Jack
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

Good stuff Jack.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

I have just deployed a rebuilt http://nomadichome.org which should be easier to read on mobile devices. It is much simpler and less cluttered than before.

However, that is where I have many of the photos that are on the forum, so there will be lots of broken photo links, until I track down which posts are missing them, and reconfigure the links.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by Stealth Camper »

stuartcnz wrote:I have just deployed a rebuilt http://nomadichome.org which should be easier to read on mobile devices. It is much simpler and less cluttered than before.

However, that is where I have many of the photos that are on the forum, so there will be lots of broken photo links, until I track down which posts are missing them, and reconfigure the links.

Well, the summer doldrums seem to be upon us in the northern reaches of the planet and it is very quiet here on the site. It has been near 100 F (38 C) for many days - weeks even! Humidity is insane in our little corner at 80 to 90% with rain kicking it up again every few days. Could be worse. Could be in Florida. Or Houston!!

And I have a few minutes at the end of this day to ask some questions that I have been thinking on for a while, but never seem to have time to stop and write when I do get to visit.

First, I was wondering about photo hosting sites. I have been using photobucket as default for several years only because I seem to remember someone here talking about it so that was the easy choice. It works ok...I guess. I have some pics there and they seem to have stayed put for a few years so far. Would really like to hear thoughts about other sites that anyone might have. Good sites, bad sites, free, paid...any and/or all input would be greatly appreciated. The field seems to change, as all things technical do, and surely there must be something better out there...??

smugmug seems to be pretty good as paid sites go. Would not be adverse to paying if there is some corresponding benefit over free. Well, besides being bothered by ads... I am definitely not a professional photographer, but would like to easily share my pics with family/friends. More easily than I can now on photobucket - that is painful to me, and maybe it's just me - I don't know.

Second, Stuart, I just now re-read and became aware enough to this thread to see the nomadichome.org site. I can see it on my computer and it looks nice. Am looking forward to spending some time there. My iphone gave me a different experience - with the same url typed in, I see a first page that is a greeting with headline, "Welcome to nginx on Debian!" I suspect that is not the desired result - thought you should know.

The impetus that has me getting off my backside on this is a new set of pics entering my stream of consciousness that I want to manage better than I have in the past. Part of that is a little "practice project" that I plan to make a small write-up about here. It isn't bus related unfortunately - it's "Other Stuff". It is farm related - I have casually mentioned I now have a farm that is interfering with my bus dreams. I made a farm implement to unroll large bales of hay and while not a mainstream topic here, it gives me a place to share with the above mentioned friends/family and inflict everyone here with it, too!! And give a little summer filler - or winter for the southern contingent - until something else comes along.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

I'm looking forward to seeing your farm stuff.

About nomadichome.org. I am surprised about what you received with your iphone. At some point I will have to look into it.

As for photo hosting sites, I don't really know what is out there. I used to use photobucket, but haven't put anything on there for a long time now. I have started putting photo's on friendica.nomadicista.org, which you are welcome to do also. There are a couple of caveats though. First I have limited the image file size to 200KB, in order to save disk space. And second, if any thing happens to the server, the photo's could be lost. Not such an issue, if you don't delete your originals, on your own computer, but could be a hassle redoing any links, later on.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by Stealth Camper »

Thanks! Good to know!

I keep backups/archive of everything....literally everything. Redundant usb hard drives - 2 Tb each so far. Plus 1 Tb drives for nothing but photos/videos. And they are about full, so will be moving up soon. A thru L drive and M thru Z drives, I guess.... Better than keeping filing cabinets full of stuff...well, I still have some of them, too, but disappearing as fast as I can scan!
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by Stealth Camper »

One more quick question - I have put a couple pictures here in the past from the photobucket site. With talk about links (lost and otherwise), I guess I need some enlightenment. I have been under the impression that ONLY the link is here in a message - and that link must remain intact for the pic to show the pic when someone is viewing. In other words, the picture does not actually load onto the server where the message is located.

Do I understand that right?
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

Yep you have it exactly right.
There are no photo's hosted on the forum. Mostly that is a carry over from when Sharkey first started the forum. He had very limited server storage space, available to him. I have carried that on, which makes hosting the forum very easy from a resource point of view.

So what happens, is that when you look at a forum post with photo's, the text is loaded from the forum server, but the photo's are loaded from which ever server the photo's are linked from. That is why, now that we are running on https, you will notice that the green padlock, or whatever your browser uses, will often show a warning that the content is not secure. It is relating to the images, that are linked to, from elsewhere.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by Stealth Camper »

Well, shoot... I just went to my old tornado post and found that all the images appear to be 'gone'. I was gonna share it with someone. The pics are still located in the same photobucket location they were in. I guess I need to go through and redo that whole thing??
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by stuartcnz »

Just had a look, and all of your photo's showed up. Maybe photobucket was just running slow, when you checked.
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Re: Missing Photo's?

Post by Stealth Camper »

stuartcnz wrote:Just had a look, and all of your photo's showed up. Maybe photobucket was just running slow, when you checked.

Oh, mannnnn....just looked and they are there! How bizarre. Just gotta love electronic stuff. That kind of "slip" is why I never trust an ATM - don't even have a pin number.
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