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Post by stuartcnz »

Like social networking? Dislike the central pervasive control of Facebook?

I'm not that interested in social networking, outside of forums, and traditional means, such as meeting face to face, or email. However many people these days, are hooked on centralized social networking. As an alternative, there are a number of decentralized platforms, which are getting better and better at connecting with each other. The biggest down side to these decentralized networks, is lack of participation, or in more technical terms lack of network effect. Network effect is the primary reason that the likes of Facebook, can be so abusive of it's users (push advertising and sell users data) and get away with it.

I don't see that situation changing any time soon, however that in of itself is no reason to sit by without doing anything. In this regard, I have set up a node of one of the decentralized systems. If anyone wants to try it; you can find it at The server has limited resources, so preference will be given to the more established and or regular users of the forum. However, if I can't spare any one space here, the registration page also has a link to a directory of other public nodes, which you should be able to sign up on, which can then connect with this one.
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Re: Friendica

Post by Stealth Camper »

So, I have always been slightly puzzled by the whole concept of "social media", but I am willing to get on board and see what happens. Register just like for here??

Also, took a very short trip through some of your stuff. Love the pictures! And the Ethical Logistics got my attention. Just a quick start on Dean Bakers book (Nanny state) tells me I am going to have to read it. Thanks! Gonna share with all the kids, too....
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Re: Friendica

Post by stuartcnz »

It is on the same server as the forum, but is a totally different site. to use it, you have to sign up at

My understanding, is that social media, sort of grew out of forums/message boards, in concept, but was more oriented around personal connections, like family and such. In fact, when Facebook first started, it heavily restricted who could join, which was a large part of it's initial appeal. As it grew, membership criteria was slowly relaxed, until it got big enough to create network effect, which is when it was able to be fully commercialized. Being able to stay commercially powerful, relies on them maintaining that network effect, which ultimately leads them to maintaining control of users data, to prevent, as much as possible, people leaving.

But, as a consequence, and because of their manipulation of privacy control, it has lost that initial purpose of close family/social group connection, that was used to build the network in the first place.

In addition to hosting a small node, I am also more than happy to help anyone else set up a node of their own. They can be set up as fully open to the public, for registration, or restricted membership, as the one I have set up is. Or you can set one up for your own personal use, that no one else can sign up to, yet you can still connect with people on other nodes. A key benefit of setting up your own node is you can add what ever plugins you like. I have only added a very small number to the node that I set up.

By default Friendica is setup with strict privacy controls, that members can relax, as they wish to. Rather than being public with the ability to increase privacy. I believe that most of the other decentralized platforms tend to be that way too, but have not looked closely enough at them to be sure of that.
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