The Forum is Moving

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The Forum is Moving

Post by stuartcnz »

Yes it is official, the forum is moving to a new home. I started the process about a month ago, and expect it to be complete, within the next month.

What does this mean?

It should mean better performance. It will open up the ability for technical changes which are currently not an option. It will be fully IPV6 compliant, bringing us into the 21st century before many other much larger sites. Hopefully around the middle of the year we will be getting HTTPS access, to better protect usage privacy.

At this stage, I have the new server installed, with a LAMP stack, which has been hardened. Next up is preparing the database environment, in preperation for the shift.
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Re: The Forum is Moving

Post by stuartcnz »

I've just finished shifting to the new server, which leaves the forum as the last task before closing down the hosting account at the forums current server provider.
There is still a couple of technical details to work out, mostly regarding email notification, but that may need to be ironed out, after the shift.
It also appears that we will be upgrading to a newer version of the forum software during the shift, as the current version is approaching end of life, and given that it is written in PHP, it is particularly important to keep it up to date, for security reasons. I haven't seen what the new version looks like, but hopefully not much different to what we currently have. I am looking at alternative forum software written in a more secure langauge, as we can run that sort of stuff on the new servers (we can't on the existing one, which is a big part of why we are shifting). But it will be quite some time before I am ready to make that big of a change.
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Re: The Forum is Moving

Post by stuartcnz »

The forum has moved!

Mostly it appears to have gone fairly smoothly. Email notifications are not quite there yet, but are getting there.

Chat seems to have disappeared. This is due to the upgrade in forum software. I'm not sure how to proceed, to get it back at this stage, so have no idea when it will return. It may just be a matter of editing some files, but I suspect it will require a much more substantial effort than that.

The forum header has also vanished. Not sure at this stage how that is edited, as the options are different with this version of the software. It also looks like any replacement image, may need to be smaller. It's not at the top of my priority list for getting things back on track.

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