Not receiving forum email?

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Not receiving forum email?

Post by stuartcnz »

Email notifications from the forum are now working, unless you have a hotmail/ email address. I will not be addressing that particular issue. It appears that microsoft is using archaic spam prevention methods, and have yet to enter modern times.

I would suggest that anyone relying on microsoft for their online email services are being sold short, by way of not receiving legitimate email from a variety of legitimate email servers. There are other web based email providers that do not obfuscate their email systems in such a way that you are required to set up a microsoft account to be able to resolve issues, which they have created.

I suggest instead that people look at services such as gmail or yahoo, and perhaps some others as well, which are more specification aware, than microsoft appears to be, if you want a reliable web based email account.

If you are having issues with receiving notifications at other email providers, let me know which one and I will look into it.
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Re: Not receiving forum email?

Post by stuartcnz »

Email is broken again. I'm working on it.
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Re: Not receiving forum email?

Post by stuartcnz »

I think it is fixed now, turns out I made a typo when setting up the DKIM keys for the forum email address.

The above issue with hotmail/ accounts, referenced on the first post will still most likely to be unable to receive email. Thats a problem on their end not ours.

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