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Discussions about all things to do with buses, trucks, and the homes made within them.

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About this forum

Post by stuartcnz »

My contributions to the forum is very limited in the visible area, primarily due to time constraints. There are some things I would like to say about the forum, in regards to how I view it currently, and what my intentions are for it into the future.

To start with, I occasionally get emails with suggestions about what I should be doing to increase the activity here. My general response is that I don't have a problem with low activity, provided something happens every few days. My reasoning for that is that I am more concerned with the quality of what is on here. To that end we have a spectacular archive of information, built up during the first seven years that Sharkey ran the forum. We currently have some very interesting builds being documented on the forums.

My intention is to never allow commercial advertising on these forums. There are other related forums (mostly boating) that I used to enjoy, but will now not look at due to the way commercial advertising has impacted on them. The current cost of running the forum is low enough, that I don't mind carrying it, and consider it to be my contribution to the community.

Joining the forum here is a little trickier than some other forums, though by no means all. I make no apologies for this. While I wish to allow anyone to join who wishes to, I will not tolerate the forums being used for spamming purposes. If you are having trouble joining, or accessing anything here contact me through the forum, or one of the sites in my signature.

These forums have traditionally been very friendly, with very little hostility, by the standards of most forums. I believe this is largely due to the lack of discussion of politics, weapons, or religion. This, I think makes a strong case for continuing the aversion of those topics here. Most other topics are open for free conversation.

Our current membership stands at 278. At close to nine years of age that may seem low by the standing of other forums, that are as established as we are. I would suggest that the majority of members in most forums, are non-posting spam harvester members. I reject membership applications originating from the likes of China, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland every day, based on a number of criteria that suggests less than legitimate reasons for joining. If you are genuinely trying to join from one of those countries, or elsewhere and feel your membership has been denied incorrectly, contact me.

Given the perception of low activity on these forums, I would note, that in the year to date (seven and a half months) we have had over 23,500 unique visitors, and close to quarter of a million page views!
People have been referred here by all of the major related forums that I know of, and by a few others that I had never heard of before. Which to me indicates the degree of respect held for the material posted by our membership.

To finish: Enjoy your time here! I hope this forum remains active and useful for many moons to come.

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