Hello All. Thanks for the welcome. As to just what the bus is---well that is a long story. The short version is that it is registered as a 1935 Chevy motor home--which it is ----sort of. I found the bus on ebay listed as a 1946 Ford school bus with a chevy 327/400AT combination. I bought the thing and had it shipped from near Salt Lake city to my home town of Oxnard. Ca. Here is where it starts to get complicated. I have been fixing up and showing Chevies all my life and I had my heart set on converting a Chevy school bus into a motor home ( I drive a Ford Crown Vic at work and love it so it isn't that I don't like Fords). To that end I bought a 1935 Chevy 1 1/2 ton cab and chassis and had it shipped from Reno Nevada. I sold the Chevy motor and trans to a guy at work and the Ford frame and front end to a guy who is restoring an old Ford tow truck. Next I set the Superior brand school bus body on the 1 1/2 ton chevy frame and did all the registration stuff--instant 1935 Chevy motor home.
Well, the '35 Chevy while running and so forth certaintly wasn't going to make a very fun motor home to drive what with its mechanical brakes and all so I bought a damaged '05 Chevy W3500 COE with a 4 cyl turbo charged engine and 4 spt AT/lock up converter (read this as Isuzu NPR).
I tend to blather on and take too many pictiures so I'll try to just hit the highlights of the remaining progress. I installed the bus body on the W3500, built a VW like pop top down the center of the bus (so I can stand up), cut a hole in the rear floor to allow me to drop in a combo bathroom and shower (required a permanent pop out on the roof above so I can stand up) and built a slide out drawer to house a Yamaha 3000 watt genny. I am presently working an a pneumatic entry door and I hope to build a slide out to accomodate a queen size bed.
I keep adding stuff so while the project was slated to take 2 years I still seem to have 2 years to go
I'm sort of a Comador 64 type of guy so while I'd like to change the heading of this thread to "1935 Chevy school bus" I have no idea how to do that --could someone tell me how? Thanks
'36 Ford front end an chassis being delivered to buyer.
1935 Chevy 1 1/2 ton arriving from reno.
'05 Chevy W3500 parts truck after I repaired damage (sold cab).