Bus Living, Truck Living, Boat Living. You name it, if you live in a home that is capable of moving by itself, or have the desire to, then this is the place for you.
It's been a while since I've been able to stop by and I see there's lots to catch up on. I'm just getting started on my latest adventure/project so I'm gonna start a thread about my "Tiny house" it's gonna be on a 22' x 8' flatbed trailer I had built a couple month back. I'll try to get some pic's up late today maybe. I have some great ideas so it should be quite the project
Last edited by Dennis The Bus Dweller on Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I've been working with a tablet but I should have a laptop some time over the weekend so I'll get some pic's and info up then. I'm hoping to get it framed up before the bad weather rolls in
Last edited by Dennis The Bus Dweller on Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I just got a new laptop so I'll get some pic's up. I've been swamped with work that pays so I'm doin that stuff but if the weather gets bad quick I plan to precut the whole thing in the shop
Last edited by Dennis The Bus Dweller on Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm hopping to take 7 to 10 days off in a row to get the little house framed up and the roof on and windows in then I can do the siding on a few hours after work and then over the winter I can Geppetto my way through till spring finishing the interior. I got a few fun ideas for the interior. I was hopping to be able to build it a few hours after work but as it turns out by the time I get home im pretty much spent so by taking a week to 10 day off I'll be able to attack it with a little gusto
Hey Dennis, I think I see "foundation bolts" on the perimeter of the trailer frame--how do you plan to do the plates? Will you do your framing on the ground and lift it into position or will you build directly on the frame. Try to save a little energy each of your ten work days so you'll be able to share the pics you have taken each day. Have fun building. Jack
I'm going to build on the trailer/foundation just like a conventional house . I put 22 / 1/2" stainless bolts around the perimeter, the framing will be flush with the outer perimeter of the trailer and the 1/2" ply and the siding will cover the sides of he trailer
somewhereinusa wrote:Peace signs come if different languages???
The ones shown are in the semaphore language. They read N D which is short for Nuclear Disarmament, though current usage tends to variance of the original meaning.
They do look cool though.
As always, looking forward to more on this project.