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banned topic

Post by splummer »

iam going to step up to the plate on this one, could you explain over the line of your tolerance please, . this isnt the only time we have gotten our digs on the gov. thanks steve
just because you ride the bus , it doesnt make you a bus person
the bus stopped and i got on and thats how it all began
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Post by Sharkey »

Well, it's pretty simple, Steve, I wasn't all that concerned when it was a thread about how our basic rights as a free society are being eroded by encroaching corporatization of private property. I did begin to have concern when it began to become a rant against immigrants who are perceived as being the reason that we are going down the tubes. I put my foot down when Chuck decided to throw his manners out the window and become openly offensive.

Butt-licking niggers
Butt-licking jews
Butt-licking spics
Butt-licking faggots
Butt-licking krauts

Do any of those offend you? If not, I can think of more.

I get offended when I see the political/social views of over half the population described as "Butt-licking liberals". I'm sick of seeing the word "liberal" used as a profanity. If someone doesn't like the way I think, feel about others, or vote, then STFU, keep your views to yourself, but don't imagine that I'm going to sit by and watch that person smear half the population because they think that the worst imaginable insult to a Mexican is to call them a "Butt-licking liberal". Fuck that. If someone thinks that Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Medved/O'Reilly are setting a good example by using their positions and the use of public airwaves to vilify those with whom they have a philosophical or political difference, then there is no hope for the American society and we might just as well surrender to the haters and become what hundreds of thousands of American military personal have fought against, a Fascist dictatorship with which there is no ability to disagree.

I own this site, I run the forum, and I decide what gets allowed to represent ME on the internet. When I see hateful crap like that thread was beginning to display, I'm going to take action.

EVERYTHING YOU POST to this forum gets picked up by search engines and is archived for eternity. What you post reflects not only on you, but on me. I'm going to exercise control over that, and probably more so from now on. EVERY SINGLE POST you put on this forum shows up in EVERY SINGLE PAGE of my web site. Does anyone really think I want to be associated with despicable hate mongering?

All I want here is for every member to keep their manners about them and behave as if everything they say or do is on public display, because it is.

This is the number one reason I discourage political discussions, they have become too emotionally charged to be argued in a reasonable manner. Sooner or later, one side or the other is going to disregard polite social conventions and go directly for the throat to make the kill for their side. We don't need that here. As I said there are plenty of places on the internet to argue about right/left, liberal/conservative, Republican/Democrat. Let's leave all that aside when we're here and concentrate on our similarities instead of our differences.
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Post by Stealth Camper »

Sounds good to me. I'll get on that bus.
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Post by Wallfly »

I confess to being an "ist", and I have a couple of "isms" that I know would seriously piss off at least a couple of people that post here. I suspect that I'm not alone in thinking that there are more suitable places for that sort of thing.
Thank you Sharkey, for reining this thing in before it destroyed this site.
It was time.
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banned topic

Post by yugogypsy »

I'll agree there as I am not racist!

Certain parties mentioned above need their butts paddled!

Mr. Sharkey-you are absolutely correct on this one, you have my support and respect.

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Post by dburt »

Sharkey, could there be a place on the forum for politics, religion, etc where folks could vent a little when they feel fed up with something, or broach 'politically incorrect' topics? You could of course police it since you own the site, but it could serve as a release valve for some of the 'family' that gathers electronically on this site? Just a thought- :wink:

Perhaps Chuck was not trying to be cruel or nasty, it appears he was just reacting to what he viewed as unfair critizism about Californians and got carried away? Sometimes some of us can come down hard on others we feel threatened by, and in this political climate and hard economic times there is plenty of reason for unease to go around.

But when it is all said and done, it is your forum Sharkey, and we all have to abide by your rules or go play somewhere else :!:
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Post by rlaggren »

Thanks for the whistle on this play, Sharkey.

My .02:

I don't need/want a place to rant here. That is not what I visit for and I think that such a "room" would detract from the ambiance.

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Post by Jesper The Dane »

I'm from another part of this little world of ours, so I just play it by ear, as I go a long. I critizise my own government for specific reasons regarded to the hole RV and busliving thing in one of my replies - I feel this is well within any rules that must be applied here?!

I vote in my own country, and to my best ability for what I believe is best for my family, myself, my people and the country. I suppose most people do?! As long as there is 2 people left on this earth though, there will be arguements!!!

I think regarding an entire group of people being somewhat stupid or anything else, says more about the one who speaks than the ones being attacked, don't you?!

I don't think political discussions in general is suited for a place like this site - but should be taken somewhere else. That's just my oppinion, and oppinions are like buttholes - everyone has one...! :wink:
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Post by Bob »

I think what makes this site special is that we all share a common interest in busses, rv's trucks and alternative living...and we are a great group! A good place to vent "crap" out is yahoo news comments...they are crazy on there!
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Post by Headache »

Sharkey wrote:As I said there are plenty of places on the internet to argue about right/left, liberal/conservative, Republican/Democrat. Let's leave all that aside when we're here and concentrate on our similarities instead of our differences.
Thank you Sharkey. I'm tired off being cast as some kind of evil incarnate. Even a centrist such as myself can't get out from under it. I have a brother that will barely talk to me because of my liberal leanings. This same brother won't talk with our other brother because his family are Mexican border crossers. He also completely ignores that we have American Indian lineage with ancestral ties to those south of the border.

I've found very few people I can have a healthy debate with anymore where both of us part having learned something, remained true to our convictions and parted without thinking the lesser of each other.

This type of thinking is going to be very hard on me as so far the only place I can afford to stay when I get to Seattle and while working on my bus is Nickelsville. Being homeless doesn't scare me, it's the indignities I've been subjected to before by biased people. I want a safe place I can come to, to check in and have some kind of social ties while I'm hiding in my van and working on my bus.

I respect people's opinions no matter how diverse but I must also draw the line when it starts crossing the line of class and race bias. Subjecting pain and dominance upon another as "evidence" that somehow one is better over another is not healthy thinking and does nothing to solve any issues.
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Post by Jesper The Dane »

Very well written Headache! Different opinions and lifestyles are no hinder for a respectful debate... It's idiotic to think that a country with millions of people all can agree, but in the end we all have to live here. And we have to let others enjoy the same rights of freedom in every aspect of life as we want for our self - even if we don't share their values... nough said from me...
Mark R. Obtinario
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Post by Mark R. Obtinario »

I appreciate the fact Mr. Sharkey has this forum to discuss alternative housing, converting buses and trucks, alternative fuel and fuel sources, etc.

I seriously doubt outside of our shared interests in buses that Mr. Sharkey and I would be able to have any in depth conversations about much else.

Which is just fine.

There are enough other forums on the internet for me to vent my spleen about the direction I see the administrations (or for that matter past administrations) in Olympia, WA DC, and Salem seem to be heading that I don't need to vent here.

So thank you Mr. Sharkey for this forum and for what it provides.
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Post by Rudy »

I don't talk about politics.

I don't know what Chuck wrote that warranted such a severe reprimand.

These words:

Butt-licking niggers
Butt-licking jews
Butt-licking spics
Butt-licking faggots
Butt-licking krauts

never appeared on his post.
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Post by splummer »

rudy i try not to rant about politics but sometimes it gets the best of me so i do a little ranting, it almost seems the norm in this time frame.after reading this thread i respect all the responces here .i also didnt see the part on the butt lickers. i would have taken offensive if i did see it in print ,
i did read the part about liberals and to be honest i dont know what that means any more ,it seems to be a name that we all use very loosely.
to answer your question sharkey i would take offense if i read that but i didnt .
i agree it is your site and i will do my best to respect it and i apprecate and enjoy what you have given us. so hopefully we can put this behind us and cont on thanks steve
just because you ride the bus , it doesnt make you a bus person
the bus stopped and i got on and thats how it all began
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Post by Sharkey »

Rudy wrote:I don't talk about politics.

I don't know what Chuck wrote that warranted such a severe reprimand.

These words:

Butt-licking niggers
Butt-licking jews
Butt-licking spics
Butt-licking faggots
Butt-licking krauts

never appeared on his post.
Well Rudy, I guess you need to go read his post again, because "butt-licking anything" used in reference to any person or group is not acceptable behavior for this form. I just happen to be a member of the very large group that Chuck decided to use as a pejorative this time around and I won't stand for it. I would stand up for you if he used similar language to describe one of the groups you or anyone else here belonged to. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that's how we roll here.
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